CNN/USA TODAY/GALLUP POLL JANUARY WAVE 3 -- FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE – AC: Timberline: 129543 R: Princeton Job #: 00-01-003 David Moore, Lydia Saad n= 1,600 National Adults January 17-19, 2000 INTRODUCTION: Hello, I am _________________ calling from the Gallup Organization. I’d like to ask a few questions of the youngest male, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home. (IF NO MALE, ASK: May I please speak with the oldest female, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home?) First, we have some questions about the election for president, which will be held in November, that is in November 2000. First, 1.A How much thought have you given to the upcoming election for president -- quite a lot, or only a little? [1341] 1 Quite a lot 2 SOME (vol.) 3 Only a little 4 NONE (vol.) 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 1B. Do you happen to know where people who live in your neighborhood go to vote? [1342] 1 Yes, any response given 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 1C. Have you ever voted in your precinct or election district? [1343] 1 Yes, any response given 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 1D. How often would you say you vote--always, nearly always, part of the time, or seldom? [1344] 1 Always, 2 Nearly always, 3 Part of the time, or 4 Seldom? 5 NEVER (vol.) 6 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 1E. Do you, yourself, plan to vote in the presidential election this November, or not? [1345] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 2. In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent? [1045] 1 Republican skip to Q. 3 2 Democrat skip to Q. 4 3 Independent 4 OTHER PARTY (vol.) continue 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 2.A As of today do you lean more to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party? [1046] 1 Democratic skip to Q. 4 2 Republican continue 3 NEITHER/OTHER/DON'T KNOW/REFUSED skip to Read before Q. 6 3. (If Q. 2 '1' or Q. 2A '2') Next, I'm going to read a list of people who may be running in the Republican primary for president in the next election. After I read all the names, please tell me which of those candidates you would be most likely to support for the Republican nomination for President in the year 2000. [READ AND ROTATE 06-17 AS APPROPRIATE] [1348 1349] 01 OTHER (vol.) 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE/ WOULDN'T VOTE (vol.) 05 ALL/ANY (vol.) 06 [HOLD] 07 Former Family Research Council Chairman, Gary Bauer [BOWER] 08 [HOLD] 09 Texas Governor, George W. Bush 10 [HOLD] 11 Businessman, Steve Forbes 12 [HOLD] 13 Arizona Senator, John McCain 14 [HOLD] 15 [HOLD] 16 Utah Senator, Orrin Hatch 17 Political commentator, Alan Keyes 4. (If Q. 2 '2' or Q. 2A '1') Next, I'm going to read a list of people who may be running in the Democratic primary for president in the next election. After I read all the names, please tell me which of those candidates you would be most likely to support for the Democratic nomination for President in the year 2000. [READ AND ROTATE 06-07] [1350 1351] 01 OTHER (vol.) 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE/ WOULDN'T VOTE (vol.) 05 ALL/ANY (vol.) 06 Former New Jersey Senator, Bill Bradley 07 Vice president, Al Gore 5. (if Republican and Q. 3 '01, 07-17') OR (if Democrat and Q. 4 '01, 06-07') Are you certain to support [INSERT NAME FROM Q. 3 OR Q. 4, AS APPROPRIATE], for the Democratic/Republican nomination or do you think you may change your mind and support someone else for the nomination? [1415] 1 Certain 2 May change mind 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED Next, we'd like you to think about the general election for President to be held in November. ROTATE 6/6C-- 9/9A IN PAIRS 6. If Vice-president Al Gore were the Democratic Party's candidate and Texas Governor George W. Bush were the Republican Party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1352] 1 Al Gore, the Democrat (or) 2 George W. Bush, the Republican skip as appropriate 3 NEITHER (vol.) continue 4 OTHER (vol.) skip as appropriate 5 DON'T continue 6 REFUSED continue 6A. As of today, do you lean more toward -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1353] 1 Gore, the Democrat (or) 2 Bush, the Republican (or) 3 NEITHER (vol.) 4 OTHER (vol.) 5 DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED 6B. (If Non-Gore voter, Q. 6 ‘2,4’ or Q. 6A ‘2-6’) Is there any chance you would vote for Al Gore in the November election or is there no chance whatsoever that you would vote for him? [1416] 1 Is a chance 2 No chance whatsoever 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 6C. (If Non-Bush voter, Q. 6 ‘1,4’ or Q. 6A ‘1, 3-6’) Is there any chance you would vote for George Bush in the November election or is there no chance whatsoever that you would vote for him? [1417] 1 Is a chance 2 No chance whatsoever 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 7. If former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley were the Democratic Party's candidate and Texas Governor George W. Bush were the Republican Party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1356] 1 Bill Bradley, the Democrat (or) 2 George W. Bush, the Republican skip as appropriate 3 NEITHER (vol.) continue 4 OTHER (vol.) skip as appropriate 5 DON'T KNOW continue 6 REFUSED continue 7A. As of today, do you lean more toward -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1357] 1 Bradley, the Democrat (or) 2 Bush, the Republican (or) 3 NEITHER (vol.) 4 OTHER (vol.) 5 DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED 8. If Vice-president Al Gore were the Democratic Party's candidate and Arizona Senator, John McCain were the Republican Party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1418] 1 Al Gore, the Democrat (or) 2 John McCain, the Republican skip as appropriate 3 NEITHER (vol.) continue 4 OTHER (vol.) skip as appropriate 5 DON'T KNOW continue 6 REFUSED continue 8A. As of today, do you lean more toward -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1419] 1 Gore, the Democrat (or) 2 McCain, the Republican (or) 3 NEITHER (vol.) 4 OTHER (vol.) 5 DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED 9. If former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley were the Democratic Party's candidate and Arizona Senator, John McCain were the Republican Party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1420] 1 Bill Bradley, the Democrat (or) 2 John McCain, the Republican skip as appropriate 3 NEITHER (vol.) continue 4 OTHER (vol.) skip as appropriate 5 DON'T KNOW continue 6 REFUSED continue 9A. As of today, do you lean more toward -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1421] 1 Bradley, the Democrat (or) 2 McCain, the Republican (or) 3 NEITHER (vol.) 4 OTHER (vol.) 5 DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED Turning now to Congress, 10. If the elections for Congress were being held today, which party's candidate would you vote for in your Congressional district -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1358] 1 The Democratic Party's candidate (or) 2 The Republican Party's candidate (or) skip to Q. 11 3 OTHER CANDIDATE (vol.) continue 4 DON'T KNOW/UNDECIDED (vol.) continue 5 REFUSED continue 6 DON'T PLAN TO VOTE (vol.) skip to Q. 11 10A. As of today, do you lean more toward -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1359] 1 The Democratic Party's candidate (or) 2 The Republican Party's candidate (or) 3 OTHER CANDIDATE (vol.) 4 DON'T KNOW/UNDECIDED (vol.) 5 REFUSED 11. Next, if each of the following candidates were on the ballot for president next November, please say how likely it is you would vote for him or her -- very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, not at all likely, or if you don't know enough about that person to say. First, ... How about ... [READ AND ROTATE A-H] 1 Very likely 2 Somewhat likely 3 Not too likely 4 Not at all likely 5 Don't know enough to say 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED A. Vice President, Al Gore [1368] B. Former New Jersey Senator, Bill Bradley [1369] C. Texas Governor, George W. Bush [1370] D. Businessman, Steve Forbes [1371] E. Arizona Senator, John McCain [1372] F. Political commentator, Pat Buchanan [1373] G. Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura [1374] H. Businessman, Donald Trump [1375] 12. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job as president? [1376] 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 13. Apart from whether you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job as president, what do you think of Clinton as a person? Would you say you approve or disapprove of him? [1422] 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 14. Do Vice-President Al Gore's ties with President Bill Clinton make you feel more favorably toward Gore or less favorably toward Gore, or do they have no effect on your view of him? [1423] 1 More favorably 2 Less favorably 3 No effect on your view 4 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 15. Which of the following do you think will be most important to you when you decide who to vote for--[FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1] [1390] 1 Where the candidates stand on issues that matter to you (or) 2 The leadership skills and vision you think the candidates would have as president (or) 3 BOTH EQUALLY (vol.) 4 NEITHER (vol.) 5 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 16. Would you say you are generally content with the way things are going in the country today, or is there something you would say you are angry about? [1391] 1 Generally content 2 Angry about something 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 17. When it comes to setting the priorities that Washington should deal with, who do you think should have more influence –[FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1424] 1 The Republicans in Congress (or) 2 President Clinton (or) 3 NEITHER (vol.) 4 BOTH (vol.) 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 18. In general, when it comes to voting for president, are you the kind of person who [FORM A: READ 1-5; FORM B: READ 5-1]? [1425] 1 Would be certain to vote Republican 2 Would probably vote Republican, but not necessarily (or) 3 Would consider the candidates equally without regard for party 4 Would probably vote Democratic, but not necessarily (or) 5 Would be certain to vote Democratic 6 OTHER (vol.) 7 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED SPLIT SAMPLE: FORM A: ASK 19 FORM B: ASK 20 19. (Form A) What do you pay more attention to these days – [FORM C: READ 1-2; FORM D: READ 2-1]? [1426] 1 The proposals made by Bill Clinton (or) 2 The proposals made by the candidates who are running for president (or) 3 BOTH EQUALLY (vol.) 4 NEITHER (vol.) 5 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 20. (Form B) As you may know, President Bill Clinton is scheduled to present his State of the Union address to Congress next Thursday evening, January 27th. The speech is scheduled to begin at [9:00 Eastern time; 8:00 Central time; 7:00 Mountain time; 6:00 Pacific time] in your area and will be shown on all the major television networks. Do you think you will watch that speech, or not? [1427] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 21. Next, we'd like to get your overall opinion of some people in the news. As I read each name, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of this person -- or if you have never heard of him or her. First, ... How about... [Read and Rotate A-E] INTERVIEWER NOTE: MAKE SURE TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN "HEARD OF,BUT NO OPINION" AND "NEVER HEARD OF" 1 Favorable 2 Unfavorable 3 HEARD OF, NO OPINION (vol.) 4 NEVER HEARD OF (vol.) 5 REFUSED A. Al Gore [1428] B. Bill Bradley [1429] C. George W. Bush [1430] D. Steve Forbes [1431] E. John McCain [1432] 22. For each of the following candidates or groups, please say whether you think their political views are too conservative, about right, or too liberal. How about... [READ AND ROTATE A-D] 1 Too conservative 2 About right 3 Too liberal 4 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED A. Al Gore [1433] B. Bill Bradley [1434] C. George W. Bush [1435] D. Steve Forbes [1436] E. John McCain [1437] If Democratic, Continue, If Republican, Skip to Q. 27 If Neither, Skip to Q. 31 SPLIT ROTATION: FORM A: READ 23-26; FORM B: READ 26-23 23. (If Democratic, Q. 2 '2' or Q. 2A '1') Next we’d like you to think about Al Gore and Bill Bradley, in terms of their stands on issues. From what you know of the two candidates, would you say there are major differences, minor differences, or no differences at all between them on the issues? [1498] 1 Major differences 2 Minor differences 3 No differences at all 4 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 24. (If Democratic, Q. 2 '2' or Q. 2A '1') Next we’d like you to think about Al Gore and Bill Bradley, in terms of their personal qualities. From what you know of the two candidates, would you say there are major differences, minor differences, or no differences at all between them on personal qualities? [1438] 1Major differences 2 Minor differences 3 No differences at all 4 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 25. (If Democratic, Q. 2 '2' or Q. 2A '1') From what you know about the campaign so far, would you say Al Gore has been attacking Bill Bradley unfairly, or not? [1439] 1 Yes, has been attacking Bradley unfairly 2 No, has not 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 26. (If Democratic, Q. 2 '2' or Q. 2A '1') From what you know about the campaign so far, would you say Bill Bradley has been attacking Al Gore unfairly, or not? [1440] 1 Yes, has been attacking Gore unfairly 2 No, has not 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED SPLIT ROTATION: FORM A: READ 27-30; FORM B: READ 30-27 27. (If Republican, Q. 2 '1' or Q. 2A '2') Next we’d like you to think about George W. Bush and John McCain, in terms of their stands on issues. From what you know of the two candidates, would you say there are major differences, minor differences, or no differences at all between them on the issues? [1441] 1Major differences 2 Minor differences 3 No differences at all 4 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 28. (If Republican, Q. 2 '1' or Q. 2A '2') Next we’d like you to think about George W. Bush and John McCain, in terms of their personal qualities. From what you know of the two candidates, would you say there are major differences, minor differences, or no differences at all between them on personal qualities? [1442] 1Major differences 2 Minor differences 3 No differences at all 4 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 29. (If Republican, Q. 2 '1' or Q. 2A '2') From what you know about the campaign so far, would you say George W. Bush has been attacking John McCain unfairly, or not? [1443] 1 Yes, has been attacking McCain unfairly 2 No, has not 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED 30. (If Republican, Q. 2 '1' or Q. 2A '2') From what you know about the campaign so far, would you say John McCain has been attacking George W. Bush unfairly, or not? [1444] 1 Yes, has been attacking Bush unfairly 2 No, has not 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED (Ask all) 31. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree that [FORM A: READ A-B; FORM B: READ B- A] has the personality and leadership qualities a president should have? 1 Agree, has qualities 2 Disagree, does not 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED A. Al Gore [1445] B. George W. Bush [1446] SPLIT SAMPLE: FORM A: ASK 32-33 FORM B: ASK 34-35 SPLIT ROTATION: FORM C: READ Q. 32-33 FORM D: READ Q. 33-32 32. (Form A) (Next), thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or doesn't apply to Al Gore. How about ... [READ AND ROTATE A-M] 1 Applies 2 Doesn't apply 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED A. Shares your values [1447] B. Cares about the needs of people like you [1448] C. Can manage the government effectively [1449] D. Has strong moral character [1450] E. Has a vision for the country’s future [1451] F. Understands complex issues [1452] G. Is a strong and decisive leader [1453] H. Stands up for what he believes in [1454] I. Has new ideas [1455] J. Is likeable [1456] K. Inspires confidence [1457] L. Is someone you can respect [1458] M. Can keep up with changing times [1459] 33. (Form A) (Next), thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or doesn't apply to George W. Bush. How about ... [READ AND ROTATE A-M] 1 Applies 2 Doesn't apply 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED A. Shares your values [1460] B. Cares about the needs of people like you [1461] C. Can manage the government effectively [1462] D. Has strong moral character [1463] E. Has a vision for the country’s future [1464] F. Understands complex issues [1465] G. Is a strong and decisive leader [1466] H. Stands up for what he believes in [1467] I. Has new ideas [1468] J. Is likeable [1469] K. Inspires confidence [1470] L. Is someone you can respect [1471] M. Can keep up with changing times [1472] SPLIT ROTATION: FORM C: READ Q. 34-35 FORM D: READ Q. 35-34 34. (Form B) Next, please say whether you think Al Gore would do a good job or a poor job of dealing with each of the following issues. How about ... [READ AND ROTATE A-L] 1 Good job 2 Poor job 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED A. The economy [1473] B. Foreign affairs [1474] C. The gun issue [1475] D. The environment [1476] E. Education [1477] F. Taxes [1478] G. Crime [1479] H. Health Care [1480] I. Keeping the federal budget balanced [1481] J. The problems of raising children in today's culture [1482] K. Social Security and Medicare [1483] L. Poverty and homelessness [1484] 35. (Form B) Next, please say whether you think George W. Bush would do a good job or a poor job of dealing with each of the following issues. How about ... [READ AND ROTATE A-L] 1 Good job 2 Poor job 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED A. The economy [1485] B. Foreign affairs [1486] C. The gun issue [1487] D. The environment [1488] E. Education [1489] F. Taxes [1490] G. Crime [1491] H. Health Care [1492] I. Keeping the federal budget balanced [1493] J. The problems of raising children in today's culture [1494] K. Social Security and Medicare [1495] L. Poverty and homelessness [1496] Turning to religion, 36. How often do you attend church or synagogue -- At least once a week, almost every week, about once a month, seldom, or never? [1497] 1 At least once a week 2 Almost every week 3 About once a month 4 Seldom 5 Never 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 37. What is your religious preference -- Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish or an Orthodox religion such as the Greek or Russian Orthodox Church? [1413 1414] 01 OTHER (list) 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE 05 (HOLD) [CODES NOT SHOWN ON SCREEN] 06 Protestant 07 Roman Catholic 08 Orthodox Churches 09 Latter-day Saints (Mormons) 10 Jehovah’s Witness 11 Adventists Church 12 Christian Science 13 Mennonite/Amish 14 Salvation Army 15 Other Christian 16 Buddhism 17 Hinduism 18 Judaism 19 Moslem/Islam 20 Other Non-Christian 21 Atheist 22 Agnostic (Go To Demographics) (Demographics Start Here) That completes the interview. I'd just like to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only. PLEASE RECORD AND VERIFY PHONE NUMBER: INTERVIEW TIME D1. CHECK RESPONDENT'S SEX [1001] 1 Male 2 Female D2. What is your age? [1010 1011] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 00 = Don't know D3. What is the last grade or class that you completed in school? (DO NOT READ) [1012] 1 None, or grade 1 - 4 2 Grades 5, 6 or 7 3 Grade 8 4 High school incomplete (Grades 9 - 11) (skip to D4) 6 Technical, trade, or business after high school 7 College/university incomplete 8 College/university graduate or more (continue) 9 DON'T KNOW (skip to D4) 0 REFUSED (skip to D4) D3A. Do you have any post-graduate education beyond a 4-year bachelors degree? [1013] 1 Yes (includes masters degree, doctorate, law degree, etc.) 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED D4. Are you, yourself of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish background? [1014] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW 4 REFUSED D4A. What is your race? Are you white, African-American, or some other race? [1015 1016] 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White 07 African-American/Black 08 (Hispanic) - (Continue) D4B. (If code "08" in D4a, ask:) Do you consider yourself to be white-Hispanic, or black-Hispanic? [1017 1018] 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White-Hispanic 07 Black-Hispanic 08 (Hispanic/Respondent refuses to discriminate) D5. Is your total annual household income before taxes $20,000 or more or is it less than $20,000? [1019 1020] (IF "UNDER" ASK:) Is it over or under $15,000? (IF "UNDER" ASK:) Is it over or under $10,000? (IF "OVER" ASK:) Is it over or under $30,000? (IF "OVER" ASK:) Is it over or under $50,000? (IF "OVER" ASK:) Is it over or under $75,000? 01 Less than $10,000 05 $30,000 - 49,999 02 $10,000-14,999 06 $50,000 - 74,999 03 $15,000 - 19,999 07 $75,000 and over 04 $20,000 - 29,999 08 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED D6. How many different residential phone lines do you have coming into your house? IF ONE RECORD AS CODE 1; IF MORE THAN ONE READ: We need to record how many different residential phone lines you have in your household -- that is, the number of different phone numbers that are used by adult members of your household. Please do not count phone lines that are used primarily for business purposes, for children, or for electronic equipment -- such as computers and fax machines. How many residential phone numbers are there in your household? [1022] 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five or more 6 DON'T KNOW 7 REFUSED D7. ASKED IN BODY OF QUESTIONNAIRE D8. ASKED IN BODY OF QUESTIONNAIRE D9. How would you describe your political views -- [FORM A: READ 1-5; FORM B: READ 5-1]? [1047] 1 Very conservative, 2 Conservative, 3 Moderate, 4 Liberal, or 5 Very liberal 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED D10. (If moderate, D9 ‘3’) As of today, do you political views lean – [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [1048] 1 More to the conservative side (or) 2 More to the liberal side (or) 3 Don't know 4 Refused D11. Are you now registered to vote in your precinct or election district, or not? [1049] 1 Yes 2 DON'T NEED TO REGISTER (vol.) 3 No 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D12. In the election for president in November of 1996, did things come up that kept you from voting, or did you happen to vote? [1050] 1 Yes, voted 2 No, did not vote 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D12A. NOT ASKED D13. I'd like you to rate your chances of voting in November's election for president on a scale of 1 to 10. If '1' represents someone who definitely will not vote, and '10' represents someone who definitely will vote, where on this scale of 1 to 10 would you place yourself? [1123 1124] 01 1 02 2 03 3 04 4 05 5 06 6 07 7 08 8 09 9 10 10 11 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D14. Which of the following best describes your marital status: currently married, living together with a partner, widowed, divorced, separated or never married? [1051] 1 Currently married 2 Living together with a partner 3 Widowed 4 Divorced 5 Separated 6 Never married 7 Don't know 8 Refused D15. Which of the following best describes your current situation--employed full time, employed part time, retired, a homemaker, a student, unemployed but looking for work, unemployed and not looking for work? [1125] 1 Employed full time 2 Employed part time 3 Retired 4 A homemaker 5 A student 6 Unemployed but looking for work 7 Unemployed and not looking for work? 8 DISABLED (vol.) 9 DON'T KNOW 0 REFUSED D16. (If D. 14 ‘1,2’) Which of the following best describes the employment situation of your (spouse/partner) - employed full time, employed part-time, a homemaker, a student, unemployed but looking for work, unemployed but not looking for work? [1052] 1 Employed full-time 2 Employed part-time 3 Retired 4 A homemaker 5 a student 6 Unemployed but looking for work 7 Unemployed but not looking for work 8 Disabled (vol.) 9 Don't know/Refused D17. NOT ASKED D18. Are you, or is anyone in your household, a member of a labor union? [1127] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED D19. Do you personally have any children under the age of 18? [1054] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW 4 REFUSED D20. NOT ASKED D21. NOT ASKED D22. Have you, or has any member or your household ever served in the U.S. military? (IF YES PROBE FOR WHO HAS SERVED) [1056] 1 Yes, self 2 Yes, other household member 3 Yes, both 4 No/neither/none 5 DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED D23. NOT ASKED D24. NOT ASKED D25. NOT ASKED D26. NOT ASKED D27. ASK OF ALL RESPONDENTS: This completes the interview. However, Gallup may like to recontact some people in the future to ask a few additional questions. Could we have your permission to call you again at some time to learn a bit more about your thoughts and opinions? [1059] 1 Yes 2 No/(Ref) D28. (if D27 '1') So that a Gallup interviewer might reach you more easily, may I please have your name? PLEASE TYPE IN NAME CAREFULLY D29. (if D27 '1') And do you have an email address where we could reach you through the Internet? 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED D30. (If D29 ‘1’) IF YES, RECORD EXACT EMAIL ADDRESS 1 Continue to enter the E-Mail Address 2 Reset to review this screen again D31. (COLLECT 100 WHO ARE D27 '1') Additionally, Gallup is working with CNN and USA Today on this poll and they may like to talk further with a few survey participants about the topics we’ve discussed in this survey. So that the reporters can choose from a cross-section of people, Gallup would provide them with background information which may include any or all of the answers you have given in this poll. Would you will to talk to a reporter at a later date? 1 Yes 2 No/Refused (End of Demographics)