A CNN/ USA TODAY/ GALLUP POLL FEBRUARY WAVE 1 FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE -- AC: 3741 TIMBERLINE: 106334 PRINCETON JOB # 96-02-006 SEX: 1[ ]Male 2[ ]Female INTERVIEWER'S NAME: TIME STARTED: INTERVIEWER'S I.D.: TIME FINISHED: PAGE NUMBER: LENGTH: REPLICATE NUMBER: DATE: REGION: 1 East STRATUM: 1 Stratum One 2 Midwest 2 Stratum Two 3 South 3 Remainder 4 West N=1000 National Adults David Moore, Lydia Saad 9602wv1.dat February 23-25, 1995 INTRODUCTION: Hello, I am ______ calling from the Gallup organization. I'd like to ask a few questions of the youngest male, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home (IF NO MALE, ASK: May I please speak with the oldest female, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home?) [44] ____________________________________________________________________ That completes the interview. I'd just like to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only. PLEASE RECORD AND VERIFY PHONE NUMBER: AREA CODE EXCHANGE NUMBER INTERVIEW TIME Dl. CHECK RESPONDENT'S SEX: [44] 1 Male 2 Female D2. What is your age? [45][46] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 00 = Don't know D3. What is the last grade or class that you completed in school? (DO NOT READ) [47] 1 None, or grade 1 - 4 GO TO D4 2 Grades 5, 6 or 7 GO TO D4 3 Grade 8 GO TO D4 4 High school incomplete (Grades 9 - 11) GO TO D4 5 High school graduate, Grade 12 GO TO D4 6 Technical, trade, or business after high school GO TO D4 7 College/university incomplete GO TO D4 8 College/university graduate or more 9 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED GO TO D4 D3a. Do you have any post-graduate education beyond a 4-year bachelors degree? [49] 1 Yes (includes masters degree, doctorate, law degree, etc.) 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED D4. Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish background? [675] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW 4 REFUSED D4a. What is your race? Are you white, African-American, or some other race? [676][677] 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White 07 African-American/Black 08 (Hispanic) - (Continue) D4b. (If code "08" in D4a ask:) Do you consider yourself to be white-Hispanic, or black-Hispanic? [678][679] 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White-Hispanic 07 Black-Hispanic 08 (Hispanic/Respondent refuses to discriminate) D5. Which of the following best describes your current situation - READ 1-7: [860] 1. Employed full time 2. Employed part time 3. Retired 4. A homemaker 5. A student. 6. Unemployed, but looking for work 7. Unemployed, but not looking for work 8. NONE/ OTHER (vol) 9. REFUSED D6. Is your total annual household income before taxes $20,000 or more or is it less than $20,000? [53] [54] (IF "UNDER" ASK:) Is it over or under $15,000? (IF "UNDER" ASK:) Is it over or under $10,000? (IF "OVER" ASK:) Is it over or under $30,000? (IF "OVER" ASK:) Is it over or under $50,000? (IF "OVER" ASK:) Is it over or under $75,000? 01 Less than $10,000 05 $30,000 - 49,999 02 $10,000 - 14,999 06 $50,000 - 74,999 03 $15,000 - 19,999 07 $75,000 and over 04 $20,000 - 29,999 08 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED D7. Next, we need to record how many different residential phone lines you have in your hosehold -- that is, the number of different phone numbers that are used by adult members fo your household. Please do not count phone lines that are used primarily for business purposes, for children, or for electronic equipment -- such as computers and fax machines. how many residential phone numbers are there in your household? [861] 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four 5. Five or more 6. DON'T KNOW 7. REFUSED D8. How would you describe your political views ... READ 1-5: [459] 1 Very conservative, 2 Conservative. 3 Moderate, 4 Liberal, or 5 Very liberal? 6 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D9. Are you now registered to vote in your precinct or election district, or not? [674] 1 Yes 2 DON'T NEED TO REGISTER (VOL.) 3 NO 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D10. In the elections for Congress last November, did things come up that kept you from voting, or did you happen to vote? [865] 1 Yes, voted 2 No, did not vote SKIP TO D11 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED SKIP TO D11 D10a.. Did you happen to vote for George Bush, Bill Clinton, or Ross Perot? [457] 1 George Bush 2 Bill Clinton 3 Ross Perot 4 OTHER CANDIDATE (VOL.) 5 DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED Dll. Overall, how closely would you say you follow news about national politics -- READ 1--4: [866] 1 Very closely 2 Somewhat closely 3 Not too closely 4 Not closely at all 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ASK OF ELIGIBLE RESPONDENTS: D12. Do you live within the city limits of ...(INSERT CITY NAME OR NAMES) [31] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED ASK D13 IF COLUMN 31 IS '2' OR '3' AND MSA CODE IS "1120." D13. Do you live within the city limits of Fitchburg, Leominster or Gloucester? 43[519] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED INTERVIEWER NOTE: DO NOT READ D.14. SIMPLY RECORD WHETHER YOU FEEL RESPONDENT IS GENERALLY COOPERATIVE AND HAS GOOD VERBAL SKILLS, OR NOT. D14. RESPONDENT IS RELATIVELY ARTICULATE, WILLING TO EXPRESS OPINIONS. 1 Yes 2 No PROGRAMMER NOTE: MONDAY, COLLECT 50 NAMES (INCLUDING 25 NON-WHITE) OF THOSE WHO ARE D14a '1' D14a. This completes the interview. However, Gallup is working with Cable News Network and USA Today on this poll and they would like to talk further with a few survey participants about the topics we've discussed. So that reporters can choose from a cross-section of people, Gallup would provide them with background information which may include any or all of the answers you've given in this poll. Would you be willing to talk with a reporter at a later date? [458] 1 Yes 2 No/(Ref) IF YES TO BE RE-INTERVIEWED READ: So that a reporter might reach you more easily, may I please have your name? [461-480] PLEASE TYPE IN NAME CAREFULLY END OF INTERVIEW. THANK RESPONDENT: Thank you very much for your time. Have a nice day/evening. CHECK THE DAY OF WEEK INTERVIEW WAS COMPLETED [518] 1 Mon 2 Tues 3 Wed 4 Thurs 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Sun D15. CHECK SEX OF GALLUP INTERVIEWER: 1 MALE 2 FEMALE [517] 1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job as President? [520] 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Suppose the 1996 presidential election between Bill Clinton and the Republican nominee were being held today. [ROTATE QUESTIONS 2-4, KEEPING THE PAIRS TOGETHER] 2. If Bob Dole is the Republican Party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for -- Clinton, the Democrat, or Dole, the Republican? [521] 1 Clinton SKIP TO next item as appropriate 2 Dole SKIP TO next item as appropriate 3 NEITHER (vol.) 4 OTHER (vol.) 5 DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED 2a. As of today, do you lean more to Clinton, the Democrat, or to Dole, the Republican? [523] 1 Clinton 2 Dole 3 NEITHER (vol) 4. DON'T KNOW (vol) 5 REFUSED 3. If Pat Buchanan is the Republican Party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for -- Clinton, the Democrat, or Buchanan the Republican? [524] 1 Clinton SKIP TO NEXT ITEM AS APPROPRIATE 2 Buchanan SKIP TO NEXT ITEM AS APPROPRIATE 3 NEITHER (vol) 4 OTHER (vol) 5 DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED 3A. As of today, do you lean more to Clinton, the Democrat, or the Buchanan the Republican? [525] 1. Clinton 2. Buchanan 3. NEITHER (vol) 4. OTHER (vol) 5. DON'T KNOW 6. REFUSED 4. If Lamar Alexander is the Republican party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for Clinton, The Democrat, or Alexander the Republican? [526] 1. Clinton SKIP TO NEXT ITEM AS APPROPRIATE 2. Alexander SKIP TO NEXT ITEM AS APPROPRIATE 3. NEITHER (vol) 4. OTHER (vol) 5. DON'T KNOW 6. REFUSED 4A. As of today, do you lean more to Clinton, the Democrat, or to Alexander the Republican? [527] 1. Clinton 2. Alexander 3. NEITHER (vol) 4. OTHER (vol) 5. DON'T KNOW 6. REFUSED 5. Next, we'd like to know your chances of voting for Ross Perot in November if he decide to run for President as an independent candidate. If Perot does run as an independent, would you READ 1-4: [528] 1. Definitely vote for him, 2. Probably vote for him, 3. Probably not vote for him, or 4. Definitely not vote for him? 5. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 6. In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent? [529] 1. Republican -- SKIP TO Q. 8 2. Democrat -- SKIP TO Q. 7 3. Independent -- CONTINUE 4. OTHER PARTY (vol) -- CONTINUE 5. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED -- CONTINUE 6A. As of today do you lean more to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party? [530] 1. Democratic -- CONTINUE 2. Republican -- SKIP TO Q. 8 3. NEITHER/ OTHER/ DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED -- SKIP TO Q. 14. ASK DEMOCRATS (Q. 6 '2' OR Q. 6A '1') 7. Do you feel that people who hold political views similar to yours are welcome or unwelcome in the Democratic Party these days? [531] 1. Welcome 2. Unwelcome 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED ALL IN Q. 7, SKIP TO Q. 14 REPUBLICANS ONLY [Q. 6 '1' OR 6A '2'] 8. Now here is a list of people who are running for the presidential nomination of the Republican Party this year. (READ NAMES 6-14) Which of these candidates would you be most likely to support for the Republican nomination for president? (RE-READ NAMES ONLY IF ASKED) [532-533] INTERVIEWER NOTE: DO NOT PROBE. IF RESPONDENT IS UNSURE, RECORD THAT AS CODE '02' AND ASK FOLLOW UP IN Q. 8A 01 OTHER (vol) -- LIST SKIP TO Q. 8B 02 DON'T KNOW CONTINUE 03 REFUSED CONTINUE 04 NONE/ WOULDN'T VOTE (vol) CONTINUE 05 ALL CONTINUE 06 Lamar Alexander SKIP TO Q. 8B 07 Pat Buchanan SKIP TO Q. 8B 08 Bob Dole SKIP TO Q. 8B 09 Bob Dornan SKIP TO Q. 8B 10 Steve Forbes SKIP TO Q. 8B 11 (HOLD) SKIP TO Q. 8B 12 Alan Keyes SKIP TO Q. 8B 13 Richard Lugar SKIP TO Q. 8B 14 Morry Taylor SKIP TO Q. 8B 8A. As of today, to which of the Republican candidates do you lean most? (RE-READ NAMES IF NECESSARY) IF UNSURE, PROBE ONCE: Is there any candidate at all that you lean toward? [534,535] 01 OTHER (vol) -- LIST SKIP TO Q. 8C 02 DON'T KNOW SKIP TO Q. 10 03 REFUSED SKIP TO Q. 10 04 NONE/ WOULDN'T VOTE (vol) SKIP TO Q. 10 05 ALL SKIP TO Q. 10 06 Lamar Alexander SKIP TO Q. 8C 07 Pat Buchanan SKIP TO Q. 8C 08 Bob Dole SKIP TO Q. 8C 09 Bob Dornan SKIP TO Q. 8C 10 Steve Forbes SKIP TO Q. 8C 11 (HOLD) SKIP TO Q. 8C 12 Alan Keyes SKIP TO Q. 8C 13 Richard Lugar SKIP TO Q. 8C 14 Morry Taylor SKIP TO Q. 8C 8B. Do you support (INSERT CHOICE FROM Q.8) strongly or only moderately? [536] 1. Strongly 2 Moderately 3. DON'T KNOW 4. REFUSED 8C. Which one of the Republican candidates would be your second choice? (RE- READ NAMES ONLY IF ASKED) [537-538] 01 OTHER (vol) LIST: 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE/ WOULDN'T VOTE (vol) 05 ALL 06 Lamar Alexander 07 Pat Buchanan 08 Bob Dole 09 Bob Dornan 10 Steve Forbes 11 HOLD 12 Alan Keyes 13 Richard Lugar 14 Morry Taylor ASK BUCHANAN VOTERS ONLY (Q.8 '07' OR Q. 8A '07') 9. Do you support Pat Buchanan mostly because you agree with his economic message or mostly because you agree with his views on moral and social issues? [539] 1. Economic message 2. Moral and social views 3. BOTH EQUALLY (vol) 4. NEITHER/ SOMETHING ELSE (vol) 5. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 10. are you generally pleased with the selection of the candidates running for the Republican nomination, or do you wish someone else was running for president? [540] 1. Pleased 2. Someone else 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 11. Suppose the choice for president in the Republican convention this year narrows down to three candidates -- Lamar Alexander, Pat Buchanan and Bob Dole. Of these three, which one would you prefer to have the Republican convention select? [541] 1. Lamar Alexander 2. Pat Buchanan 3. Bob Dole 4. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 12. Suppose the choice for president in the Republican convention this year narrows down to only two candidates. If the two candidates are [INSERT ITEM, ROTATE START], which one would you prefer to have the Republican convention select? Next, what if the choice narrows down to [INSERT NEXT ITEM] -- in that case which would you prefer to have the Republican convention select? [542] a. Bob Dole and Pat Buchanan 1. Dole 2. Buchanan 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED [543] b. Bob Dole and Lamar Alexander 1. Dole 2. Alexander 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED [544] c. Pat Buchanan and Lamar Alexander 1. Buchanan 2. Alexander 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 13. Regardless of which Republican presidential candidate you prefer, which one do you think has the best chance of beating Bill Clinton in November? (READ 06-14 IF NECESSARY) [545-546] 01 OTHER 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE PROBE: WHO DO YOU THINK HAS 05 ALL THE BEST CHANCE? 06 Lamar Alexander 07 Pat Buchanan 08 Bob Dole 09 Bob Dornan 10 Steve Forbes 11 HOLD 12 Alan Keyes 13 Richard Lugar 14 Morry Taylor ASK ALL: 14. Next, I will read off the names of some people in the news. As I read each name, please tell me if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of this person -- or if you have never heard of him. First, ... [INSERT ITEM A]. Next, [ROTATE B-F] INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF DON'T KNOW, MAKE SURE TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN "HEARD OF, BUT NO OPINION" AND "NEVER HEARD OF" Heard Un of, no Never Favor favor opinion heard able able (vol) of RF ALWAYS READ FIRST: [547] a. Bill Clinton 1 2 3 4 5 ROTATE NEXT: [548] b. Bob Dole 1 2 3 4 5 [549] c. Pat Buchanan 1 2 3 4 5 [550] d. Lamar Alexander 1 2 3 4 5 [551] e. Steve Forbes 1 2 3 4 5 [552] f. Ross Perot 1 2 3 4 5 15. next, as I read the names of some Republicans running for the Republican presidential nomination, please tell me your chances of voting for each one if he were to become the Republican candidate against Bill Clinton in November. First, if [INSERT ITEM, ROTATE START] becomes the Republican nominee, would you definitely vote for him, probably vote for him, probably not vote for him, or definitely not vote for him in November? Next, what are chances of voting for [INSERT NEXT ITEM] if he becomes the Republican nominee? Defin- Defin- Prob Probably itely DK itely ably not not RF a. Lamar Alexander 1 2 3 4 5 [553] b. Pat Buchanan 1 2 3 4 5 [554] c. Bob Dole 1 2 3 4 5 [555] Turning now to Congress, 16. If the elections for congress were being held today, which party's candidate would you vote for in your congressional district -- the Democratic Party's candidate or the Republican Party's candidate? [556] 1. Democratic candidate -- SKIP TO Q. 17 2. Republican candidate -- SKIP TO Q. 17 3. OTHER CANDIDATE (vol) 4. DON'T KNOW/ UNDECIDED (vol) 5. REFUSED 16A. As of today, would you lean more to the Democratic Party's candidate or to the Republican Party's candidate. [557] 1. Democratic candidate 2. Republican candidate 3. OTHER CANDIDATE (vol) 4. DON'T KNOW/ UNDECIDED (vol) 5. REFUSED On some more general issues, 17. Please tell me whether you are worried or not worried about each of the following happening in the next few years. FORM A: READ A-B; FORM B: READ B-A: Not DK/ Worried Worried RF a. That you or your (husband/ wife) will lose a job 1 2 3 [558] b. That you will not be able to maintain your standard of living 1 2 3 [559] 18. Now, thinking about the budget conflict which has been going on in Washington, who do you think has acted more responsibly in the negotiations over the budget -- President Clinton or the Republican leaders in Congress? [560] 1. Clinton 2. Republicans in Congress 3. NEITHER (vol) 4. BOTH (vol) 5. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 19. Next, I have a question about the conservative Christian political movement sometimes known as the "religious right." Do you generally support or oppose the political views of the religious right, or don't you know enough about this group to have an opinion? [561] 1. Support 2. Oppose 3. Don't know enough 4. REFUSED REPUBLICANS (Q. 6 '1' OR Q.6A '2') CONTINUE, ALL OTHERS SKIP TO Q. 26 20. Regardless of which Republican candidate you support, please tell me if you think Lamar Alexander, Pat Buchanan or Bob Dole would best handle each of the following issues. First,...Next,...READ AND ROTATE: NONE/ Alex- Buch- OTHER DK/ ander anan Dole (vol) RF a. The rate of violent crime in the United States 1 2 3 4 5 [562] b. The quality of education in public schools through grade 12 1 2 3 4 5 [563] c. The availability of good 1 2 3 4 5 [564] d. The nation's economy 1 2 3 4 5 [565] e. Foreign trade 1 2 3 4 5 [566] f. Immigration 1 2 3 4 5 [567] 21. Next, I'm going to read off some personal characteristics and qualities. Regardless of which Republican candidate you support, please tell me if you think it applies most to Lamar Alexander, Pat Buchanan or Bob Dole. First, ... (Next,...) (READ AND ROTATE) NONE/ Alex- Buch- OTHER DK/ ander anan Dole (vol) RF a. Has clear plan for solving the country's problems 1 2 3 4 5 [568] b. Is honest and trustworthy 1 2 3 4 5 [569] c. Shares your values 1 2 3 4 5 [570] d. Can get things done 1 2 3 4 5 [571] e. Cares about the needs of people like you 1 2 3 4 5 [572] f. Shares your views on the role of religion in politics 1 2 3 4 5 [573] 22. Overall, do you think [INSERT ITEM, ROTATE START] candidacy will have a good effect or a bad effect on the Republican Party? next, do you think [INSERT NEXT ITEM] candidacy will have a good effect or a bad effect on the R Republican party? Good Bad NEITHER DK/ effect effect (vol) RF a. Lamar Alexander's 1 2 3 4 [574] b. Pat Buchanan's 1 2 3 4 [575] c. Bob Dole's 1 2 3 4 [576] 23. For each of the following candidates, please say whether you think his political vies are too conservative, about right, or too liberal. First,... Next,... READ AND ROTATE: Too conserv About Too DK/ ative right liberal RF a. Lamar Alexander's 1 2 3 4 [577] b. Pat Buchanan's 1 2 3 4 [578] c. Bob Dole 1 2 3 4 [579] 24. Do you feel that people who hold political views similar to yours are welcome or unwelcome in he Republican Party these days? [580] 1. Welcome 2. Unwelcome 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 25. In recent days do you think Pat Buchanan has been treated fairly or unfairly by most Republican leaders? [612] 1. Fairly 2. Unfairly 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED ASK ALL: 26. Which is more important to you in this year's presidential election -- the country's economic problems or the country's moral problems? [613] 1. Economic problems 2. Moral problems 3. NEITHER/ OTHER (vol) 4. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 27. Which of the following statements comes closer to your own view about free trade -- FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1: [614] 1. Free trade would be good for the United States because it would help the US economy by expanding exports or, 2. Free trade would be bad for the US because it would end up costing the US jobs 3. NEITHER/ OTHER (vol) 4. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Thinking now about Bob Dole 28. Do you feel Bob Dole is too old to be president, or not? [615] 1. Yes, too old 2. No, not too old 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 29. Thinking about Pat Buchanan -- in your opinion are his vies woo extreme for him to serve as president, or are they not too extreme? [616] 1. yes, too extreme 2. No, not too extreme SKIP TO Q. 3O 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED SKIP TO Q. 30 29A. Why do you feel that Pat Buchanan's views are too extreme -- [FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1]? [617] 1. Mostly because of his positions on economic issues or 2. Mostly because of his positions on social issues 3. BOTH EQUALLY (vol) 4. NEITHER/ SOMETHING ELSE (vol) 5. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED. Now I have a few brief questions on some different subjects. 30. What is your favorite pizza topping [OPEN-ENDED AND CODE]: [618-619] 01 OTHER LIST: 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE 05 ALL 06 Pepperoni 07 Sausage 08 Olives 09 Anchovies 10 Onions 11 Peppers 12 Bacon 13 Mushrooms 14 Cheese 15 Ham 16 Ground Beef/ Hamburger 17 Pineapple 18 Canadian Bacon 19 Vegetables 31. Do you think there are people somewhat like ourselves living on other planets in the universe, or not? [620] 1. Yes, other people like ourselves on other planets 2. No 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 32. have you visited the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C.? [621] 1. Yes 2. No 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 33. Would you like to lose weight, put on weight, or stay at your present weight? [622] 1. Lose weight 2. Put on weight 3. Stay at present weight 4. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 34. At this time, are you seriously trying to lose weight? [623] 1. yes, trying to lose weight 2. No, not trying to lose weight 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 35. If you had to describe yourself to someone who didn't know you, how would you describe your physical appearance? Would you say you are beautiful or handsome, attractive or above average, average, somewhat below average in attractiveness, or unattractive? [624] 1. Beautiful or handsome 2. Attractive or above average 3. Average 4. Somewhat below average in attractiveness 5. Unattractive 6. DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 36. All in all, are you satisfied with how attractive you are, or do you often wish you could be more attractive? [625] 1. Satisfied with attractiveness 2. Wish to be more attractive 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 37. All in all, would you say you are generally pleased with the way your body looks, or not? [626] 1. Pleased with the way body looks 2. Not pleased with the way body looks 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 38. If you could change or improve the appearance of one part of your body, what would that be? [627-628] 01 OTHER LIST: 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NOTHING/ LIKE THE WAY I AM 05 EVERYTHING 06 Stomach 07 Hair/ lack of hair 08 Hips 09 Waist 10 Legs 11 Nose 12 Thighs 13 Face (general) 14 Breasts 15 Chest 16 Buttocks 17 Teeth 18 Feet 19 Eyes 20 Arms 39. What do you think is the ideal number of children for a family to have? [629] 1. None 2. One 3. Two 4. Three 5. Four 6. Five or more 7. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 40 If you were to have a child right now would you rather have a boy or girl? [630] 1. Boy 2. Girl 3. Wouldn't matter (vol) 4. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 41. Which do you, yourself, think is easier to raise -- a boy or a girl? [631] 1. Boy 2. Girl 3. WOULD NOT MATTER (vol) 4. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 42. And, at what age during childhood do you think girls are usually at their worst, that is are the most difficult to be around? [open ended and code actual age] [632-633] 00 Less than 1 year 97 No age is difficult 98 All ages are difficult 99 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 43. And, at what age during childhood do you think boys are usually at their worst, that is are the most difficult to be around? [634-635] [OPEN ENDED CODE ACTUAL AGE] 00 Less than 1 year 97 No age is difficult 98 All ages are difficult 99 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 44. Do you think children are better off if their mother is home and doesn't hold a job or are the children just as well off if the mother works? [636] 1. Children better off with mother home 2. Children just as well off if mother works 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 45. In general, do you think the United Nations is doing a good job or a poor job in trying to solve the problems it has had to face? [640] 1. Good job 2. Poor job 3. DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 46. Do you think the federal government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights an freedoms of ordinary citizens, or don't you think so? [641] 1. Yes, immediate threat 2. Don't think so 3. DON'T KNOW/REFUSED