A CNN/ USA TODAY/ GALLUP POLL March Wave 1 -- DRAFT QUESTIONNAIRE -- SEX: 1[ ]Male 2[ ]Female INTERVIEWER'S NAME: TIME STARTED: INTERVIEWER'S I.D.: TIME FINISHED: PAGE NUMBER: LENGTH: REPLICATE NUMBER: DATE: REGION: 1 East STRATUM: 1 Stratum One 2 Midwest 2 Stratum Two 3 South 3 Remainder 4 West N=1000 National Adults David Moore, Lydia Saad 422038 March 11-13, 1994 INTRODUCTION: Hello, I am ____________ calling from the Gallup Organization. I'd like to ask a few questions of the youngest male, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home (IF NO MALE, ASK: May I please speak with the oldest female, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home?) That completes the interview. I'd just like to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only. PLEASE RECORD AND VERIFY PHONE NUMBER: AREA CODE EXCHANGE NUMBER 1 INTERVIEW TIME Dl. CHECK RESPONDENT'S SEX: (44) 1 Male 2 Female D2. What is your age? 32 (45) (46) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 00 Don't know D3. What is the last grade or class that you completed in school? (DO NOT READ) (47) 1 None, or grade 1 - 4 GO TO D4 2 Grades 5, 6 or 7 GO TO D4 3 Grade 8 GO TO D4 4 High school incomplete (Grades 9 - 11) GO TO D4 5 High school graduate, Grade 12 GO TO D4 6 Technical, trade, or business after high school GO TO D4 7 College/university incomplete GO TO D4 8 College/university graduate or more 9 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED -- Go TO D4 D3a- Do you have any post-graduate education beyond a 4-year bachelors degree? 49) 1 Yes (includes masters degree, doctorate, law degree, etc.) 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 2 D4. Are you, yourself of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto (675) Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish background? 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW 4 REFUSED D4a. What is your race? Are you white, African-American, or some other race? (676)(677) 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White 07 African-American/Black 08 (Hispanic) - (Continue) D4b. (If code "08" in D4a, ask:) Do you consider yourself to be white- (678)(679) Hispanic, or black-Hispanic? 01 Other (list) 02 (OK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White-Hispanic 07 Black-Hispanic 08 (Hispanic/Respondent refuses to discriminate) 3 D5. Is your total annual household income before taxes $20,000 or more or is it less than $20,000? (53) (54) (IF "UNDER- ASK:) Is it over or under $15,000? (IF "UNDER" ASK:) Is it over or under $10,000? (IF "OVER" ASK:) Is it over or under $30,000? (IF "OVER" ASK:) Is it over or under $50,000? (IF "OVER" ASK:) Is it over or under $75,000? 01 Less than $10,000 05 $30,000 - 49,999 02 $10,000-14,999 06 $50,000 - 74,999 03 $15,000 - 19,999 07 $75,000 and over 04 $20,000 - 29,999 08 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED D6. In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent? (454) 1 Republican GO TO D8 2 Democrat GO TO D8 3 Independent 4 OTHER PARTY (VOL.) 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED D7. As of today do you lean more to the Democratic Party or the Republican PartY? (455) 1 Democratic 2 Republican 3 NEITHER/ OTHER/ DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D8. In the election (456) D8a. Did you happen (457) D9. Were you born in the United States or in another country? (420) 1 Born in United States 2 Born in another country 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 4 ASK OF ELIGIBLE RESPONDENTS: D10. Do you live within the city limits of ... (INSERT CITY NAME OR NAMES) (31) 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED ASK D10 IF COLUMN 31 IS '2' OR ''1 AND MSA CODE IS "1120." Dl1. Do you live within the city limits of Fitchburg, Leominster or Gloucester? 43 (519) 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED SATURDAY/SUNDAY COLLECT 50 NAMES (INCLUDING 25 NON-WHITE) D12. This completes the interview. However, Gallup is working with Cable News Network and USA Today an this poll and they would like to talk further with a few survey participants about the topics we've discussed. So that reporters can choose from a cross-section of people, Gallup would provide them with background information which may include any or all of the answers you've given in this poll. Would you be willing to talk with a reporter at a later date? (458) I Yes 2 No/(Ref) IF YES TO BE RE-INTERVIEWED READ: So that a reporter might reach you more easily, may I please have your name? (461 - 480) PLEASE TYPE IN NAME CAREFULLY 5 ASK IF D8 IS CODE 2 AND NOT ASKED Dll Dl3. This completes the interview. However, as part of a continuing study, we would like to talk further with a few survey participants about the topics we've discussed. All of your responses will still be treated with complete confidentiality. Would you be willing to talk with a allup interviewer at a later date? (421) 1 Yes 2 No/(Ref) IF YES TO BE RE-INTERVIEWED READ: So that we might reach you more easily, may I please have your first name only? (422 441) PLEASE TYPE IN NAME CAREFULLY END OF INTERVIEW. THANK RESPONDENT; Thank you very much for your time. Have a nice day/evening. CHECK THE DAY OF WEEK INTERVIEW WAS COMPLETED (518) 1 Mon 2 Tues 3 Wed 4 Thurs 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Sun (518) D13. CHECK SEX OF GALLUP INTERVIEWER: 1 MALE 2 FEMALE (517) 6 1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job (521) as president? 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Now, I have a few questions about the news concerning Bill and Hillary Clinton's involvement in the Whitewater real estate deal and other matters while he was governor of Arkansas, and the investigation into these matters by a special counsel and other government officials since Bill Clinton became president. 2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton has handled the (522) Whitewater investigation? 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 3. Do you think that what Bill Clinton has said in public about the (523) Whitewater matter has been completely true, mostly true, mostly false, or completely false? 1 Completely true 2 Mostly true 3 mostly false 4 Completely false 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 4. In your view, is Bill Clinton hiding something concerning his role in (524) these matters, or don't you think so? 1 Yes, is hiding something 2 No, don't think so 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 5. Do you think the recent controversy over Whitewater is mostly the result (525) of actuaily wrongdoing, on the part of officials in tle Clinton administration, or is it mostly the result of politics as usual between Republicans and Democrats in Washington? 1 Mostly the result of wrongdoing 2 Mostly the result of politics as usual 3 BOTH (vol.) 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED On another topic, 6. Have you, yourself, smoked any cigarettes in the past week? (526) 1 Yes 2 No GO TO 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED Q. 7 7. About how many cigarettes do you smoke each day? (527) 1 Less than one pack 2 One pack 3 More than one pack 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 8. All things considered, would you like to give up smoking, or not? (528) 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 9. Have you ever made a really serious effort to stop smoking, or not? (529) 1 Yes, made effort 2 No, have not 3 Don't want to quit 4 Don't know/refused 10. At what age did you begin smoking? (530-531) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 00 = Don't know 11. As a result of increased restrictions on smoking in public places, do (532) you feel unjustly discriminated against as a smoker, or do you think the restrictions are justified? 1 Yes, unjustly discriminated against 2 No, restrictions are justified 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 12. Would you say you, personally, are smoking less because of these (533) restrictions, or not? 1 Yes, smoking less 2 No, not smoking less 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED ALL SMOKER, SKIP TO Q. 14 ASK Q. 13 ONLY OF NON-SMOKERS: 8 13. Did you, yourself, ever smoke cigarettes on a regular basis? (534) 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 14. What is your opinion regarding smoking in public places?First, in [INSERT ITEM, ROTATE START] -- should they set aside certain arm, should they totally to smoking, or should there be no restrictions on smoking? Next, in [INSERT NEXT ITEM]? Set aside Totally No Don't know/ areas ban restriction Refused a. Hotels & motels 1 2 3 4 (535) b. Workplaces 1 2 3 4 (536) c. Restaurants 1 2 3 4 (537) 15. Do you think there should or should not be a complete ban on cigarette (538) advertising? 1 Should 2 Should not 3 Don't know/refused 16. Should smoking in this country be made totally illegal, or not? (539) 1 Yes, made illegal 2 No, not made illegal 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 17. If you were in a position to hire someone for a job, and you learned (540) that the person smoked, would it make you more likely to hire that person, less likely, or would it make no difference? 1 More likely to hire 2 Less likely 3 Make no difference 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 18. If someone is sitting with you in a restaurant, and asks if you mind if (541) he or she smokes, would you -- READ 1-2: 1 Allow them to smoke at the table, or 2 Tell them you would prefer they did not smoke? 3 NOT ALLOW THEM TO SMOKE (vo*l.) 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 9 19. If someone comes to visit you in your home and asks if you mind if he or (542) she smokes, would you -- READ 1-2: 1 Allow them to smoke, or 2 Say that you prefor they did not smoke In your home? 3 NOT ALLOW THEM TO SMOKE (vol.) 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 20. All in all, does the fact that a person smokes make you respect them (543) more, respect them less, or does it make no difference to you? 1 Respect person more 2 Respect person less 3 Makes no difference 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 21. In general, how hamful do you feel second-hand smoke is to adults (544) READ 1-4: 1 Very harmful, 2 Somewhat harmful, 3 Not too harmful , or 4 Not at all harmful? 5 DEPENDS (vol.) 6 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 22. Which of the following statements better describes your view toward (545) people who smoke -- READ AND ROTATE 1-2: 1 You are unsympathetic toward smokers because they continue to smoke even when they know it's harmful to their health and the health of those around them, or 2 You are sympathetic toward smokers because they are addicted, and you understand that it is difficult to stop even if they want to. 3 BOTH/ MIXED (vol.) 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED On a different topic, 10 23. About how many times did you, yourself, go out to a movie theater to see (546-547) a movie within the last twelve months? INTERVIEWER NOTE: 97=97+ 98= DK 99= RF 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 IF ZERO, SKIP TO Q. 28 24. Thinking of all the movies you have seen in the past twelve months at a (548-549) movie theater, which one movie did you think was the best? (DO NOT READ) 01 OTHER LIST: 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE 05 The Fugitive 06 In the Name of the Father 07 The Piano 08 Remains of the Day 09 Schindler's List 10 Jurassic Park 11 Mrs. Doubtfire 12 Sleepless in Seattle 13 The Firm 14 Indecent Proposal 25. Please tell me whether or not you have seen each of the following movies. First, ... Next, ... READ AND ROTATE: No, did Yes, saw not see DK/ movie movie RF a. The Fugitive 1 2 3 (550) b. In the Name of the Father 1 2 3 (551) c. The Piano 1 2 3 (552) d. Remains of the Day 1 2 3 (553) e. Schindler's List 1 2 3 (554) 11 26. IF SAW ONLY ONE MOVIE: Is [INSERT NAME OF MOVIE]a movie you would recomend to a friend, or not? IF MORE THAN ONE MOVIE: For each movie you saw, please tell me if you would recommend it to a friend, or not. First, [INSERT ITEM, ROTATE START]. Next, [INSERT NEXT ITEM]. Yes, No, would would not DK/ recomend recommend RF a. The Fugitive 1 2 3 (555) b. In the Name of the Father 1 2 3 (556) c. The Piano 1 2 3 (557) d. Remains of the Day 1 2 3 (558) e. Schindler's List 1 2 3 (559) 27. IF DIDN'T SEE ONLY MOVIE: Do you want to see [INSERT NAME OF MOVIE] or do you not want to see it, or have you never heard of it? IF DIDN'T SEE MORE THAN ONE MOVIE: For each movie you haven't seen, please tell me if you want to see that movie, or if you do not want to see it, or if you have never heard of it. First, [INSERT ITEM, ROTATE START]. Next, [INSERT NEXT ITEM]. Yes, No, do Never want to not want heard DK see to see of RF a. The Fugitive 1 2 3 4 (560) b. In the Name of the Father 1 2 3 4 (561) c. The Piano 1 2 3 4 (562) d. Remains of the Day 1 2 3 4 (563) e. Schindler's List 1 2 3 4 (564) 28. Which one of the five movies nominated for best movie would you like to (565) see win the Oscar award for Best Picture of the Year? READ AND ROTATE 1 The Fugitive 2 In the Name of the Father 3 The Piano 4 Remains of the Day 5 Schindler's List 6 NONE/ OTHER (VOL.) 7 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 29. Do you think the Motion Picture Academy did a good job picking the (566) movies nominated for best picture this year, or not? 1 Yes, good job 2 No, not a good job 3 MIXED (vol.) 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 12 30. Which one of the nominees for best actor do you think should win the (567) Oscar? READ AND ROTATE 1-5: 1 Anthony Hopkins for "Remains of the Day" 2 Lawrence Fishburn for "What's Love Got to do With It?" 3 Tom Hanks for Philadelphia" 4 Liam Neeson for "Schindler's List" 5 Daniel Day Lewis for "In the Name of the Father" 5 NONE/ OTHER (VOL.) 7 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 31. Which one of the nominees for best actress do you think should win the (568) Oscar? READ AND ROTATE 1-5: 1 Holly Hunter for "The Piano" 2 Emma Thompson for "Remains of the Day' 3 Angela Bassett for "What's Love Got to do with It? 4 Deborah Winger for "Shadowlands" 5 Stockard Channing for "Six Degrees of Separation" 6 NONE/ OTHER (VOL.) 7 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Next, I'd like to ask a few questions about sports. First, (569) 32. Are you a fan of professional basketball, or not? 1 Yes, a fan 2 SOMEWHAT OF A FAN (VOL.) 3 No, not a fan 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 33. And, are you a fan of professional baseball, or not? (570) 1 Yes, a fan 2 SOMEWHAT OF A FAN (VOL.) 3 No, not a fan GO TO INTRODUCTION 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED BEFORE Q. 35 34. As you may know, there are several changes this season in the way (571) baseball is organized. The American and National leagues have each expanded from two divisions to three, and there will be an additional round of playoffs, including a wild-card team. Do you generally favor or oppose these changes, or doesn't it matter to you one way or the other? 1 Favor -- GO TO INTRODUCTION BEFORE Q. 35 2 Oppose 3 Not matter GO TO INTRODUCTION BEFORE Q. 36. 4 NOT FAMILIAR (VOL. 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 14 34a. Are you strongly opposed, or only moderately opposed? (572) 1 Strongly 2 Moderately 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Next, I have a few questions about Michael Jordan -- the former Chicago Bulls basketball star who is now trying to play professional baseball for the Chicago White Sox 35. Do you think Michael Jordan will succeed in becoming a major league (573) baseball player, or not? 1 Yes, will succeed 2 No, will not 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 36. Would you, yourself, buy a ticket just to see Michael Jordan play (574) professional baseball regardless of how good a player he turns out to be, or not? 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 37. In your opinion, will Michael Jordan play professional basketball again (575) someday, or not? 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 38. Which would you, personally, like Michael Jordan to do -- return to (576) professional basketball, or continue to try and play baseball in the Major Leagues? 1 Return to basketball 2 Play major league baseball 3 NEITHER (vol.) 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Next, 39. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the U.S. Olympic (577) figure skater, Nancy Kerrigan? 1 Favorable 2 Unfavorable 3 NEVER HEARD OF HER (vol.) 4 NO OPINION 5 REFUSED 15 40. Would you say your impression of Nancy Kerrigan has become more (578) favorable, or less favorable, or not changed much since she competed at the Olympics? 1 Yes, more favorable 2 Yes, less favorable 3 Not changed much 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 41. In your view, has the media been generally fair or generally unfair to (579) Nancy Kerrigan over the last few weeks? 1 Fair 2 Unfair 3 MIXED (vol.) 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 42. Do you think Nancy Kerrigan is a good choice as a spokesperson for (580) commercial products and organizations, or don't you thlnk so? 1 Yes, good choice 2 No, don't think she's a good choice 3 MIXED/ DEPENDS ON THE PRODUCT (vol.) 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Thinking about something different, 43. As I read a list of proposals concerning guns, please tell me whether you wouId generally support or oppose each one. First, ... Next, READ AND ROTATE: DK/ Support Oppose RF a. Requiring gun owners to carry insurance similar to what is required of car owners 1 2 3 (612) b. Changing federal laws to permit law enforcement agencies to track firearm sales nationwide 1 2 3 (613) c. Requiring a license to shoot a gun, similar to the license required to drive a car -- with periodic tests on gun safety laws and safe operation of guns 1 2 3 (614) d. Raising taxes on the manufacture, sale and resale of firearms and ammunition in order to pay for gun control measures 1 2 3 (615) 17 Finally, on a totally different issue, 44. Is it your impression that what the Serbian forces are doing to other (616) ethnic groups in Bosnia is very similar, somewhat similar, only a little similar, or not at all similar to the Holocaust which occurred in Nazi Gemanyduring World War II? 1 Very similar 2 Somewhat similar 3 Only a little similar 4 Not at all similar 5 Don't know enough to say 6 REFUSED GO TO DEMOGRAPHICS