A CNN/ USA TODAY/ GALLUP POLL MAY WAVE 1 -- FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE -- AC: 9422 TIMBERLINE: 118023 R: PRINCETON JOB # 97-05-009 SEX: 1( )Male 2( )Female INTERVIEWER'S NAME: TIME STARTED: INTERVIEWER'S I.D.: TIME FINISHED: PAGE NUMBER: LENGTH: REPLICATE NUMBER: DATE: REGION: 1 Eastern STRATUM: 1 Stratum One 2 Central 2 Stratum Two 3 Mountain 3 Remainder 4 Pacific N=1000 National Adults David Moore, Lydia Saad May 6-7, 1997 INTRODUCTION: Hello, I am calling from the Gallup Organization. I'd like to ask a few questions of the youngest male, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home (IF NO MALE, ASK: May I please speak with the oldest female, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home?) That completes the interview. I'd just like to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only. PLEASE RECORD AND VERIFY PHONE NUMBER: AREA CODE EXCHANGE NUMBER INTERVIEW TIME D1. CHECK RESPONDENT'S SEX: [44] 1 Male 2 Female D2. What is your age? [45,46] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 00 = Don't know D3. What is the last grade or class that you completed in school? (DO NOT READ) [47] 1 None, or grade 1-4 -- GO TO D4 2 Grades 5, 6 or 7 -- GO TO D4 3 Grade 8 -- GO TO D4 4 High school incomplete (Grades 9 - 11) -- GO TO D4 5 High school graduate, Grade 12 -- GO TO D4 6 Technical, trade, or business after high school -- GO TO D4 7 College/university incomplete -- GO TO D4 8 College/university graduate or more 9 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED -- GO TO D4 D3a. Do you have any post-graduate education beyond a 4-year bachelors degree? [512] 1 Yes (includes masters degree, doctorate, law degree, etc.) 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D4. Are you, yourself of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish background? [513] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW 4 REFUSED D4a. What is your race? Are you white, African-American, or some other race? [514,515] 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White 07 African-American/Black 08 (Hispanic) -- (Continue) D4b. (If code "08" in D4a, ask:) Do you consider yourself to be white-Hispanic, or black-Hispanic? [516,517] 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White-Hispanic 07 Black-Hispanic 08 (Hispanic/Respondent refuses to discriminate) D5. Is your total annual household income before taxes $20,000 or more or is it less than $20,000? [53,54] [IF "UNDER" ASK:] Is it over or under $15,000? [IF "UNDER" ASK:] Is it over or under $10,000? [IF "OVER" ASK:] Is it over or under $30,000? [IF "OVER" ASK:] Is it over or under $50,000? [IF "OVER" ASK:] Is it over or under $75,000? 01 Less than $10,000 05 $30,000-$49,999 02 $10,000-14,999 06 $50,000-74,999 03 $15,000-19,999 07 $75,000 and over 04 $20,000-29,999 08 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D6. Next, we need to record how many different residential phone lines you have in your household - that is, the number of different phone numbers that are used by adult members of your household. Please do not count phone lines that are used primarily for business purposes, for children, or for electronic equipment -- such as computers and fax machines. How many residential phone numbers are there in your household? [555] 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five or more 6 DON'T KNOW 7 REFUSED D7. In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent? [518] 1 Republican -- GO TO D8 2 Democrat -- GO TO D8 3 Independent -- CONTINUE 4 OTHER PARTY (vol.) -- CONTINUE 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED -- CONTINUE D7A. As of today do you lean more to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party? [519] 1 Democratic 2 Republican 3 NEITHER/ OTHER/ DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D8. How would you describe your political views . . . READ 1-5: [525] 1 Very conservative, 2 Conservative, 3 Moderate, 4 Liberal, or 5 Very liberal? 6 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Thinking about your situation D9. Does a health problem, disability or handicap keep you from participating fully in work, school, housework or other activities, or not? [576] 1 Yes, keeps you from participating 2 No, does not 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D10. Have you, yourself, smoked any cigarettes in the past week? [556] 1 Yes - SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE D11 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D10A. IF D10 '2,3': Did you, yourself, ever smoke cigarettes on a regular basis? [557] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED INTERVIEWER NOTE: DO NOT READ D11; SIMPLY RECORD WHETHER YOU FEEL RESPONDENT IS GENERALLY COOPERATIVE AND HAS GOOD VERBAL SKILLS, OR NOT. D11. RESPONDENT IS RELATIVELY ARTICULATE, WILL TO EXPRESS OPINIONS [530] 1 Yes 2 No PROGRAMMER NOTE: COLLECT 50 NAMES OF THOSE WHO ARE D11 '1' D11A. This completes the interview. However, Gallup is working with Cable News Network and USA Today on this poll and they would like to talk further with a few survey participants about the topics we've discussed. So that reporters can choose from a cross- section of people, Gallup would provide them with background information which may include any or all of the answers you've given in this poll. Would you be willing to talk with a reporter at a later date? [531] 1 Yes 2 No/ (Ref) IF YES TO BE RE-INTERVIEWED READ: So that a reporter might reach you more easily, may I please have your name? [532-551] PLEASE TYPE IN NAME CAREFULLY END OF INTERVIEW. THANK RESPONDENT: Thank you very much for your time. Have a nice day/evening. CHECK THE DAY OF WEEK INTERVIEW WAS COMPLETED [553] 1 Mon 2 Tues 3 Wed 4 Thurs 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Sun D12. CHECK SEX OF GALLUP INTERVIEWER: 1 MALE 2 FEMALE [554] 1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job as president? [620] 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 2. Now thinking about some issues, do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling [INSERT ITEM, ROTATE START]. Next, do you approve or disapprove of the way he is handling [INSERT NEXT ITEM]. 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED a. The federal budget deficit [661] b. Taxes [662] c. The economy [663] d. Foreign affairs [664] e. Medicare [665] Now, thinking about Congress, 3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job? [621] 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 4. In general, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time? [623] 1 Satisfied 2 Dissatisfied 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED SPLIT SAMPLE: FORM A: ASK Q. 5 FORM B: ASK Q. 6 5. FORM A: Who do you trust more when it comes to dealing with the federal budget - Bill Clinton or the Republicans in Congress? (If both/ neither probe once: If you had to choose, who would you say that you trust more - Clinton or the Republicans?) [624] 1 Bill Clinton 2 Republicans in Congress 3 Both equally [vol] 4 Neither/ other [vol] 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 6. FORM B: Who do you trust more when it comes to dealing with the federal budget - the Democrats in Congress or the Republicans in Congress? (If both/ neither probe once: If you had to choose, who would you say that you trust more - the Democrats or the Republicans?) [625] 1 Bill Clinton 2 Republicans in Congress 3 Both equally [vol] 4 Neither/ other [vol] 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 7. As you may know, President Clinton and leaders in Congress have agreed on a new budget plan to make changes in taxes and spending which they say would balance the federal budget by the year 2002. How closely have you followed the news about this plan -READ 1-4: [626] 1 Very closely 2 Somewhat closely 3 Not too closely, or 4 Not at all? 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 8. In general, do you favor or oppose the proposed federal budget plan? [627] 1 Favor 2 Oppose 3 UNSURE/ REFUSED - SKIP TO Q10 4 HAVEN'T HEARD ABOUT PLAN [vol]-SKIP TO "READ" BEFORE Q11 9. How strongly do you [favor/oppose] the plan - strongly or only moderately? 1 Strongly 2 Only moderately 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 10. Which of the following statements best describes the way you feel about the proposed budget plan-- [SPLIT ROTATION: FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1] 1 It is fair to all Americans or 2 It unfairly benefits some groups at the expense of others 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 4 HAVEN'T HEARD ABOUT PLAN [vol] Still thinking about the budget agreement, SPLIT ROTATION: FORM A: ASK Q11, THEN Q12 FORM B: ASK Q12, THEN Q11 11. Do you think Bill Clinton compromised too much with the Republicans in Congress in order to reach the budget agreement, or don't you think so? [630] 1 Yes, Clinton compromised too much 2 No, did not compromise too much 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 12. Do you think the Republicans in Congress compromised too much with Bill Clinton in order to reach the budget agreement, or don't you think so? [631] 1 Yes, Republicans compromised too much 2 No, did not compromise too much 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 13A. Overall, do you think the proposed budget plan would be good or bad for you personally? [632] 1 Good for you 2 Bad for you 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 4 HAVEN'T HEARD ABOUT PLAN [vol] 13B. Overall, do you think the proposed budget plan would be good or bad for senior citizens? [656] 1 Good for seniors 2 Bad for seniors 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 4 HAVEN'T HEARD ABOUT PLAN [vol] 14. Next, how likely is it that the federal budget will be balanced in the year 2002 as Clinton and Congressional leaders say it will under this plan - do you think the budget will definitely be balanced, probably be balanced, probably not be balanced or definitely not be balanced by the year 2002? [633] 1 Definitely 2 Probably 3 Probably not 4 Definitely not 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 15. Next, please indicate whether you would generally favor or oppose each of the following proposals which might be included in the plan to balance the budget by the year 2002. First,...Next,...READ AND ROTATE A-F 1 Favor 2 Oppose 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED a. Reducing taxes for middle-income families with young children [634] b. Establishing a tax credit to help families pay for two years of education for their children beyond high school [635] c. Reducing the taxes people pay when they sell stocks, bonds, or real estate [636] d. Reducing the taxes people must pay when they inherit money or property [637] e. Making small reductions in the amount by which Social Security benefits are increased each year [638] f. Making small increases in Medicare premiums [639] SPLIT ROTATION: FORM A: ASK Q16, THEN Q17 FORM B: ASK Q17, THEN Q16 16. Who do you think is MOST responsible for reaching the budget agreement-Bill Clinton or the Republicans in Congress? (IF BOTH/ NEITHER PROBE ONCE: If you had to choose, who would you say is the most responsible - Clinton or the Republicans?) [640] 1 Clinton is most responsible 2 Republicans are most responsible 3 BOTH EQUALLY [vol] 4 NEITHER/ OTHER [vol] 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 17. Who do you think got more of what they wanted in the budget agreement - Bill Clinton or the Republicans is Congress? (IF BOTH/ NEITHER PROBE ONCE: If you had to choose, who would you say got more of what they wanted - Clinton or the Republicans?) [641] 1 Clinton got more 2 Republicans got more 3 BOTH EQUALLY [vol] 4 NEITHER/ OTHER [vol] 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Thinking now about something else, 18. How would you rate economic conditions in this country today, excellent, good, only fair, or poor? [642] 1 Excellent 2 Good 3 Only fair 4 Poor 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 19. Right now, do you think that economic conditions in the country as a whole are getting better or getting worse? [643] 1 Getting better 2 Getting worse 3 SAME [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 20. Now, thinking ahead to the year 2002, do you think the United States will be in better shape than it is today, in worse shape, or about the same? [644] 1 Better shape 2 Worse shape 3 About the same 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 21. Who do you hold more responsible for the state of the economy today: Bill Clinton, or the Republicans in Congress? [645] 1 Clinton 2 Republicans in Congress 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 22. We are interested in how people's financial situation may have changed. Would you say that you are financially better off now than you were a year ago, or are you financially worse off now? [646] 1 Better off 2 Worse off 3 SAME [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 23. Now looking ahead, do you expect that at this time next year you will be financially better off than now, or worse off than now? [647] 1 Better off 2 Worse off 3 SAME [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED On another subject, 24. America's largest tobacco companies are currently negotiating a plan that would limit their financial responsibility for the health problems of smokers. In exchange, the tobacco companies would support increased federal regulation of tobacco and contribute billions of dollars into a fund to compensate smokers with smoking related illnesses. Would you generally favor or oppose this proposed settlement? [648] 1 Favor 2 Oppose 3 NOT SURE/ REFUSED [vol] 4 HAVEN'T HEARD ABOUT IT [vol] 25. All in all, do you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing for the tobacco companies in this country to be driven out of business by lawsuits? [649] 1 Good thing 2 Bad thing 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 26. Which of the following statements best describes your view of who's to blame for the health problems faced by smokers in this country? FORM A: READ 1-4; FORM B: READ 4-1: [650] 1 The tobacco companies are completely to blame 2 The tobacco companies are mostly to blame 3 Smokers are mostly to blame 4 Smokers are completely to blame 5 SMOKERS AND TOBACCO COMPANIES ARE EQUALLY TO BLAME [vol] 6 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 27. As you may know, Gary Kasparov, the world's best chess player-is currently playing in a chess tournament against a computer. Who would you personally like to see win this tournament-FORM A: READ 1-2; FORM B: READ 2-1: [651] 1 Gary Kasparov, the human, or, 2 The computer 3 EITHER/ DON'T CARE [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 28. If computers can be programmed so that they regularly beat the world's best chess players, would that signify that computers are now as intelligent as humans, or would it not signify that? [652] 1 Yes, would signify computers are as intelligent as humans 2 No, would not signify that 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 29. Now thinking about TWA Flight 300 that crashed over Long Island last year-from what you've heard or read what do you believe was the cause of that crash: Was it [ROTATE CODES 06-08, THEN CODE 4]? [657-658] 06 Mechanical failure-SKIP TO "NOTE" BEFORE Q30 07 A terrorist attack 08 An accidental strike by a U.S. Navy missile-SKIP TO "NOTE" BEFORE Q30 01 or something else [RECORD] -SKIP TO "NOTE" BEFORE Q30 02 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED-SKIP TO "NOTE" BEFORE Q30 03 HOLD 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 29-2. (If code "07" in Q29, ask): Which kind of terrorist attack do you think was more likely to have occurred - a bomb explosion on the plane or a missile strike? [659] 1 Bomb 2 Missile strike 3 NEITHER/ BOTH [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED On another issue, SPLIT SAMPLE: FORM A: ASK Q30 FORM B: ASK Q31 30. FORM A: Do you think it is appropriate or inappropriate for a woman over the age of 60 to give birth to a child? [654] 1 Appropriate 2 Inappropriate 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 31. FORM B: Do you think it is appropriate or inappropriate for a man over the age of 60 to father a baby? [655] 1 Appropriate 2 Inappropriate 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 32. What do you think is the ideal number of children for a family to have? [724-725] RECOR EXACT NUMBER 20- 97 BLOCK THESE CODES 00 ZERO/ NONE 98 DON'T KNOW 99 REFUSED 33. Suppose you could only have one child. Would you prefer that it be a boy or a girl? [717] 1 Boy 2 Girl 3 EITHER/ DOESN'T MATTER [vol] 9 NOT SURE/ DON'T KNOW 0 REFUSED 34. For you personally, do you think it is necessary or not necessary to have a child at some point in your life in order to feel fulfilled? [718] 1 Yes, necessary 2 No, not necessary 9 NOT SURE/ DON'T KNOW 0 REFUSED 35. Do you think it is, or is not, morally wrong for a couple to have a baby if they are not married? [719] 1 Yes, morally wrong 2 No, not morally wrong 9 NOT SURE/ DON'T KNOW 0 REFUSED 36. What is your marital status-are you currently married, not legally married, but living together with a partner, widowed, divorced, separated or have you never been married? [720] 1 Never married/ Single 2 Married 3 Living together with a partner 4 Divorced 5 Separated 6 Widowed 0 REFUSED 37. How many children under the age of 18 are living in this household at present? [726,727] RECORD EXACT NUMBER 20-97 BLOCK THESE CODES 00 ZERO/ NONE 98 DON'T KNOW 99 REFUSED 38. And how many children, total, do you have-regardless of their age or whether or not they now live with you? [722,723] RECORD EXACT NUMBER 20-97 BLOCK THESE CODES 00 ZERO/ NONE 98 DON'T KNOW 99 REFUSED PROGRAMMER NOTE: IF MALE SKIP TO DEMOGRAPHICS IF FEMALE AND HAVE NO CHILDREN [Q38 '00,98-99', SKIP TO DEMOGRAPHICS; ALL OTHERS [Q38 '01-19'] CONTINUE 39. IF FEMALE AND Q38 '01-19': Do you feel your family appreciates you enough as a mother, or do they not appreciate you enough? [660] 1 Yes, enough 2 No, not enough 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED GO TO DEMOGRAPHICS