A CNN/ USA TODAY/ GALLUP POLL AUGUST WAVE 1 -- FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE -- AC: 7049 TIMBERLINE: 120249 R: PRINCETON JOB # 97-11-028 SEX: 1( )Male 2( )Female INTERVIEWER'S NAME: TIME STARTED: INTERVIEWER'S I.D.: TIME FINISHED: PAGE NUMBER: LENGTH: REPLICATE NUMBER: DATE: REGION: 1 Eastern STRATUM: 1 Stratum One 2 Central 2 Stratum Two 3 Mountain 3 Remainder 4 Pacific N=1000 National Adults David Moore, Lydia Saad November 6-9, 1997 INTRODUCTION: Hello, I am calling from the Gallup Organization. I'd like to ask a few questions of the youngest male, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home (IF NO MALE, ASK: May I please speak with the oldest female, 18 years of age or older, who is now at home?) SPLIT ROTATION: FORM A: ASK Q. 1, THEN Q. 2/2A FORM B: ASK Q. 2/2A, THEN Q. 1 1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job as president? [620] 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 2. If the elections for Congress were being held today, which party's candidate would you vote for in your Congressional district-[ROTATE 1-2]? [621] 1 The Democratic Party's candidate-SKIP TO Q1 OR Q3 AS APPROPRIATE or 2 The Republican Party's candidate-SKIP TO Q1 OR Q3 AS APPROPRIATE 3 OTHER CANDIDATE [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ UNDECIDED [vol] 5 REFUSED 2A. As of today, do you lean more toward [ROTATE 1-2]? [622] 1 The Democratic Party's candidate or, 2 The Republican Party's candidate 3 OTHER CANDIDATE [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ UNDECIDED [vol] 5 REFUSED 3 Please tell me how you would rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in these different fields-very high, high, average, low, or very low? First,...Next,...READ AND ROTATE A-Z: Very High High Average Low Very Low DK/RF a. Druggists, pharmacists 1 2 3 4 5 6 [623] b. Clergy 1 2 3 4 5 6 [624] c. College teachers 1 2 3 4 5 6 [625] d. Medical doctors 1 2 3 4 5 6 [626] e. Dentists 1 2 3 4 5 6 [627] f. Engineers 1 2 3 4 5 6 [628] g. Policemen 1 2 3 4 5 6 [629] h. Bankers 1 2 3 4 5 6 [630] i. Funeral directors 1 2 3 4 5 6 [631] j. Journalists 1 2 3 4 5 6 [632] k. TV reporters, commentators 1 2 3 4 5 6 [633] l. Newspaper reporters 1 2 3 4 5 6 [634] m. Building contractors 1 2 3 4 5 6 [635] n. Senators 1 2 3 4 5 6 [636] o. Lawyers 1 2 3 4 5 6 [637] p. Business executives 1 2 3 4 5 6 [638] q. Congressmen 1 2 3 4 5 6 [639] r. Local officeholders 1 2 3 4 5 6 [640] s. Labor union leaders 1 2 3 4 5 6 [641] t. Real estate agents 1 2 3 4 5 6 [642] u. Stockbrokers 1 2 3 4 5 6 [643] v. State officeholders 1 2 3 4 5 6 [644] w. Insurance salesmen 1 2 3 4 5 6 [645] x. Advertising practitioners 1 2 3 4 5 6 [646] y. Car salesmen 1 2 3 4 5 6 [647] z. Public opinion pollsters 1 2 3 4 5 6 [648] Now thinking about the economy, 4. How would you rate economic conditions in this country today-as [READ 1-4]? [649] 1 Excellent 2 Good 3 Only fair, or 4 Poor 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 5. Right now, do you think that economic conditions in the country as a whole are getting better or getting worse? [650] 1 Getting better 2 Getting worse 3 SAME [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 6. Thinking about the U.S. stock market, do you think stock prices will go higher or lower in the next six months? [651] 1 Higher 2 Lower 3 STAY THE SAME [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Thinking now about Japan and China, 7. Which country-Japan or China-do you feel will be more important to the United States in the future for political matters? [652] 1 Japan 2 China 3 BOTH EQUALLY [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 8. And which country-Japan or China-do you feel will be more important to the United States in the future for economic matters? [653] 1 Japan 2 China 3 BOTH EQUALLY [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED Now, on the issue of abortion- 9. Do you think abortions should be legal under any circumstances, legal only under certain circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances? [654] 1 Legal under any circumstances-SKIP TO Q. 11 2 Legal under certain circumstances-CONTINUE 3 Illegal in all circumstances-SKIP TO Q. 11 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED-SKIP TO Q. 11 10. IF CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES: Do you think abortion should be legal under most circumstances or only in a few circumstances? [655] 1 Most circumstances 2 Only in a few circumstances 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 11. With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life? [656] 1 Pro-choice 2 Pro-life 3 DON'T KNOW WHAT THE TERMS MEAN [vol] 4 MIXED/BOTH/NEITHER [vol] 5 UNSURE 6 REFUSED 12. If you could vote on this issue directly, would you vote for or against the following: a law which would make it illegal to perform a specific abortion procedure conducted in the last six months of pregnancy known as a "partial birth abortion," except in cases necessary to save the life of the mother? [657] 1 For the law-[make the procedure illegal] 2 Against the law-[keep the procedure legal] 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 13. Next we have a few questions about some legal cases that have been in the news. How closely have you followed the news about [INSERT ITEM, ROTATE START]-very closely, somewhat closely, not too closely, or not at all? 1 Very closely 2 Somewhat closely 3 Not too closely 4 Not at all 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED a. The case involving the death of Jon Benet Ramsey [zhan-buh-NAY RAM-zee], the child beauty queen from Boulder, Colorado [658] b. The case involving Louise Woodward, the British nanny charged with the death of a child [in her care] in Massachusetts [659] 14. Do you think the case involving the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey will ever be solved, or not? [660] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 15. Do you, personally, have an opinion about who murdered Jon Benet Ramsey? [661] 1 Yes 2 No-SKIP TO INTRODUCTION BEFORE Q. 17 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED-SKIP TO INTRODUCTION BEFORE Q. 17 16. IF YES: Just your opinion, who do you think killed Jon Benet Ramsey? [OPEN-ENDED AND CODE] [662][663] 01 OTHER [list] 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 [HOLD] 05 [HOLD] 06 Mother 07 Father 09 Both parents 10 Brother 11 Disgruntled employee 12 Total stranger Next we have a few questions about the case involving Louise Woodward, the British nanny in Massachusetts. 17. From what you've heard or read, do you think Louise Woodward, the nanny in this case, is responsible or not responsible for the death of the child? [664] 1 Yes, responsible 2 No, not responsible-SKIP TO Q. 19 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED-SKIP TO Q. 19 18. IF RESPONSIBLE: Do you think Louise Woodward, the nanny, should have been convicted of 1st degree murder or should she have been convicted of a less serious crime, such as manslaughter? [665] 1 Yes, convicted of murder 2 No, charged with a less serious crime 3 OTHER [vol] 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 19. I would now like to ask you about any regular volunteer activities you may have been involved in during the past year. By "regular volunteer activities" I mean giving of your time on a weekly or monthly basis without receiving any pay. In the past year, have you regularly volunteered your time...[READ AND ROTATE A-C, THEN READ D] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW 4 REFUSED a. Helping to coach a local sports team [666] b. As a member of a local community group, such as a Parent-Teacher Association, the YMCA, or a local neighborhood association [667] c. By participating in any groups or committees at your church, synagogue or other place of worship [668] d. In any other manner [669] 19A. [IF CODE "1-YES" IN Q. 19, ASK:] In what other ways have you regularly volunteered your time in the past year? [OPEN-ENDED, ACCEPT UP TO TWO RESPONSES] [670][671] 01 OTHER [list] 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE 05 [HOLD] 20. Now, I would like you to think about anything you may have done recently on behalf of charitable causes. In the past 30 days, have you...[READ AND ROTATE A-C] Still thinking about the past 30 days, have you [INSERT NEXT ITEM]? 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW 4 REFUSED a. Donated money to a charitable cause [674] b. Donated goods, such as clothing or toys, to a charitable cause [675] c. Volunteered your time for a charitable cause [676] Turning to a different subject, 21. How important would you say religion is in your own life-very important, fairly important, or not very important? [677] 1 Very important 2 Fairly important 3 Not very important 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 22. Which of the following statements comes closest to your views on the origin and development of human beings-[FORM A: READ 1-3; FORM B: READ 3-1]? [678] 1 Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process, or 2 Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process. 3 God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so. 4 OTHER 5 DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED 23. What is your religious preference-Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish or an Orthodox religion such as the Greek or Russian Orthodox Church? [679][680] 01 OTHER LIST: --SKIP TO INTRO BEFORE Q. 25 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE--SKIP TO INTRO BEFORE Q. 25 05 DESIGNATED--SKIP TO INTRO BEFORE Q. 25 06 Protestant [Include Baptists, Christian Church, Episcopalians, Jehovah's Witness, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian] 07 Roman Catholic--SKIP TO INTRO BEFORE Q. 25 08 Orthodox Church--SKIP TO INTRO BEFORE Q. 25 09 Mormon [Include the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints] --SKIP TO INTRO BEFORE Q. 25 10 Jewish--SKIP TO INTRO BEFORE Q. 25 11 Muslim--SKIP TO INTRO BEFORE Q. 25 12 Hindu--SKIP TO INTRO BEFORE Q. 25 24. IF PROTESTANT: What specific denomination is that? [OPEN-ENDED AND CODE] [712][713] 01 OTHER LIST: 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE 05 [HOLD] 06 Southern Baptist 07 Other Baptist 08 Methodist 09 Presbyterian 10 Episcopal 11 Lutheran 12 Pentecostal/ Assembly of God 13 Church of Christ 14 Non-denominational Finally, we have some questions about the environment 25. Thinking about the issue of global warming, sometimes called the "greenhouse effect," how well do you feel you understand this issue-would you say very well, fairly well, not very well, or not at all? [714] 1 Very well 2 Fairly well 3 Not very well 4 Not at all 5 NOT SURE/ DON'T KNOW 6 REFUSED SPLIT SAMPLE: FORM A: ASK Q. 26-30 FORM B: ASK Q. 31-34 26. As you understand it, what are the main causes of global warmng, sometimes called the greenhouse affect? [715][716] 01 OTHER 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 [HOLD] 05 [HOLD] 27. Here is a list of possible causes of global warming. For each one, please tell me whether you think it is a major cause, a minor cause, or not a cause of global warming, or whether you don't know enough to say? First,...Next,...READ AND ROTATE A-F 1 Major cause 2 Minor cause 3 Not a cause 4 Don't know enough to say 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED a. Automobile exhaust [717] b. Loss of rainforests [718] c. Aerosol sprays [719] d. Power plants that burn coal [720] e. Nuclear power plants [721] f. Refrigerators and air conditioners [722] 28. Again, as you understand it, what EFFECTS, if any, do you think global warming will have? RECORD FULL VERBATIM RESPONSE [723][724] 01 OTHER LIST 02 DON'T KNOW 03 REFUSED 04 NONE 05 [HOLD] 29. Now, would you tell me how harmful, if at all, you think global warming will be to each of the following during the next 25 years: very harmful, somewhat harmful, not very harmful, or not at all harmful? First, how harmful, if at all, will global warming be to...Next,...READ AND ROTATE A-F 1 Very harmful 2 Somewhat harmful 3 Not very harmful 4 Not at all harmful 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED a. Human health [725] b. Economic well-being [726] c. Agricultural production [727] d. The choices people will have in where they live [728] e. The survival of many animal and plant species [729] f. The levels of the oceans [730] 30. Which of the following statements reflects your view of when the effects of global warming will begin to happen-READ 1-5: [731] 1 They have already begun to happen 2 They will start happening within a few years 3 They will start happening within your lifetime 4 They will not happen within your lifetime, but they will affect future generations 5 They will never happen 6 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED FORM A: SKIP TO DEMOGRAPHICS FORM B: CONTINUE 31. Next we'd like your impression of what scientists believe about global warming. From what you've heard or read, do scientists mostly believe that global warming is not a serious threat, or are scientists generally divided on this issue? [732] 1 Mostly believe it is a serious threat 2 Mostly believe it is not a serious threat 3 Generally divided on the issue 4 OTHER [vol] 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 32. Thinking about what is said in the news, in your view is the seriousness of global warming-[FORM C: READ 1-3; FORM D: READ 3-1]? [733] 1 Generally exaggerated 2 Generally correct, or is it 3 Generally underestimated 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 33. Do you think that global warming will pose a serious threat to you or your way of life in your lifetime? [734] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED 34. Do you think that global warming will pose a serious threat to your children or the next generation of Americans in their lifetime? [735] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED [DEMOGRAPHICS START HERE] That completes the interview. I'd just like to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only. PLEASE RECORD AND VERIFY PHONE NUMBER: AREA CODE EXCHANGE NUMBER INTERVIEW TIME D1. CHECK RESPONDENT'S SEX: [44] 1 Male 2 Female D2. What is your age? [45,46] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 00 = Don't know D3. What is the last grade or class that you completed in school? (DO NOT READ) [47] 1 None, or grade 1-4 -- GO TO D4 2 Grades 5, 6 or 7 -- GO TO D4 3 Grade 8 -- GO TO D4 4 High school incomplete (Grades 9 - 11) -- GO TO D4 5 High school graduate, Grade 12 -- GO TO D4 6 Technical, trade, or business after high school -- GO TO D4 7 College/university incomplete -- GO TO D4 8 College/university graduate or more 9 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED -- GO TO D4 D3a. Do you have any post-graduate education beyond a 4-year bachelors degree? [512] 1 Yes (includes masters degree, doctorate, law degree, etc.) 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D4. Are you, yourself of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish background? [513] 1 Yes 2 No 3 DON'T KNOW 4 REFUSED D4a. What is your race? Are you white, African-American, or some other race? [514,515] 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White 07 African-American/Black 08 (Hispanic) -- (Continue) D4b. (If code "08" in D4a, ask:) Do you consider yourself to be white-Hispanic, or black-Hispanic? [516,517] 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD 06 White-Hispanic 07 Black-Hispanic 08 (Hispanic/Respondent refuses to discriminate) D5. Is your total annual household income before taxes $20,000 or more or is it less than $20,000? [53,54] [IF "UNDER" ASK:] Is it over or under $15,000? [IF "UNDER" ASK:] Is it over or under $10,000? [IF "OVER" ASK:] Is it over or under $30,000? [IF "OVER" ASK:] Is it over or under $50,000? [IF "OVER" ASK:] Is it over or under $75,000? 01 Less than $10,000 05 $30,000-$49,999 02 $10,000-14,999 06 $50,000-74,999 03 $15,000-19,999 07 $75,000 and over 04 $20,000-29,999 08 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D6. Next, we need to record how many different residential phone lines you have in your household - that is, the number of different phone numbers that are used by adult members of your household. Please do not count phone lines that are used primarily for business purposes, for children, or for electronic equipment -- such as computers and fax machines. How many residential phone numbers are there in your household? [555] 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five or more 6 DON'T KNOW 7 REFUSED D7. In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent? [518] 1 Republican -- GO TO D8 2 Democrat -- GO TO D8 3 Independent -- CONTINUE 4 OTHER PARTY (vol.) -- CONTINUE 5 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED -- CONTINUE D7A. As of today do you lean more to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party? [519] 1 Democratic 2 Republican 3 NEITHER/ OTHER/ DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D8. How would you describe your political views . . . READ 1-5: [525] 1 Very conservative, 2 Conservative, 3 Moderate, 4 Liberal, or 5 Very liberal? 6 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D9A. Are you now registered to vote in your precinct or election district, or not? [520] 1 Yes 2 DON'T NEED TO REGISTER [vol] 3 No 4 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED D9B. NOT ASKED D9C. Thinking back to the elections for Congress in November of 1994, did things come up that kept you from voting, or did you happen to vote? [521] 1 Yes, voted 2 No, did not vote 3 DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED INTERVIEWER NOTE: DO NOT READ D10; SIMPLY RECORD WHETHER YOU FEEL RESPONDENT IS GENERALLY COOPERATIVE AND HAS GOOD VERBAL SKILLS, OR NOT. D10. RESPONDENT IS RELATIVELY ARTICULATE, WILL TO EXPRESS OPINIONS [530] 1 Yes 2 No PROGRAMMER NOTE: COLLECT 50 NAMES OF THOSE WHO ARE D10 '1' D10A. This completes the interview. However, Gallup is working with Cable News Network and USA Today on this poll and they would like to talk further with a few survey participants about the topics we've discussed. So that reporters can choose from a cross- section of people, Gallup would provide them with background information which may include any or all of the answers you've given in this poll. Would you be willing to talk with a reporter at a later date? [531] 1 Yes 2 No/ (Ref) IF YES TO BE RE-INTERVIEWED READ: So that a reporter might reach you more easily, may I please have your name? [532-551] PLEASE TYPE IN NAME CAREFULLY END OF INTERVIEW. THANK RESPONDENT: Thank you very much for your time. Have a nice day/evening. CHECK THE DAY OF WEEK INTERVIEW WAS COMPLETED [553] 1 Mon 2 Tues 3 Wed 4 Thurs 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Sun D12. CHECK SEX OF GALLUP INTERVIEWER: 1 MALE 2 FEMALE [554] [END OF DEMOGRAPHICS]